
Fallout 4 better weapons mod
Fallout 4 better weapons mod

fallout 4 better weapons mod

  • You need the required crafting materials.
  • You need to have the appropriate perk – Gun Nut for regular weapons, Science for energy ones.
  • You can turn a regular pistol into a shotgun or a sniper rifle.

    fallout 4 better weapons mod

    Weapon CustomizationWeapons in Fallout 4 can be changed so drastically, you’ll forget what they looked like in the first place. This guide will show you how to customize weapons in Fallout 4, how to craft and use weapon mods in Fallout 4.

    fallout 4 better weapons mod

    You can change every part on almost any weapon you own, provided you have the materials and access to a workbench. Weapon customization is extremely detailed in Fallout 4.

    Fallout 4 better weapons mod